Thursday, April 28, 2011

Calm down, you can still marry Harry

So.. Her Majesty has invited me to the Royal Wedding.. except they've seated me so far behind (next to Aishwarya and Abhishek) Im practically in India! None-the-less, I will be wearing a fancy hat, having a cup of tea, maybe a cupcake as well and watching Will and Kate on the telly... here's wishing them a long and happy marriage  (insert curtsey here).

Wish I was closer to London to see all the pomp and ceremony.. anyway.. the Royal Wedding souvenirs I've been seeing online are ridiculous.. just how much crap can one souvenir shop hold?! Have they gone a bit crazy cashing in on the Wedding? Possibly.. but I do love some bits of the Royal ridiculousness...I intend to get the following souvenirs asap. What are your favorite silly souvenirs?

On a related note, I'd switch to T-mobile just for their marketing. They've restored my faith in peace and humanity :)  Here's their latest video:


abstract said...

all those are going to be a hard to buy since most of it is going to go out of stock or under re-design once the wedding is done. Although, for those who are interested in princess, still have the dutchess ;)

.s.e. said...

This post made me laugh - I shared it with my mother who is royal obsessed! What a great blog you have I've had a ton of fun reading it!

Follow My Blogger Blog! #2

Dani's said...

Wow! I had no idea about all the souvenirs. The tea bag, sick bag, and papa johns pizza, come on! Its funny seeing people's money making ideas these days. I like your blog! Thanks to swap-bot I got to see it. (craftcandy)

Mallory In New York said...

Hi! I just discovered your blog & am now following!

These are so funny! I love all the "it should have been me" merch. (Really, it should have been!) Haha, and the pizza is just too cute!

I'd love if you could check out my blog as well!

evey said...

I've always been a Harry fan. He is just so adorable and devilish.

I love the little William + Kate tea bags. People are nuts!

Michelle said...

The tea bags are hysterical! LOL I've seen a few of the offerings that are for sale, but being in the US, we haven't seen much. My mother in law is dying to get a ring that matches Kate's! LOL

Ryleighsmom from Swap Bot Follow My Blogger Blog! #2